Ewa Michalak CH cherry 65DD

A lot of women rave about the CH bra, for it’s shelf like projection at the bottom. I can say I never really looked at the few CH styles because I’ve had a few CHPs and I don’t wear them. The CHPs fit me nicely in the cups, but as with  ost Ewa styles the wires are way too hard for me. So, I buy the CHPs because I like them, but then I end up never wearing them. Which is why I had no interest in buying this bra, add to the fact that when this style first came out, there were a few issues with the sizing. Plus I’m not really into strapy lingerie.

But about a year ago, I decided to buy this bra (it may have been an exchange, I don’t recall at this point). I got it because it was cute. I have a thing for red/burgundy bras.

Although I’ve only worn this bra about 2 times, I was surprised to find out that it was actually comfortable, unlike my CHPs. The gore didn’t stab me. I haven’t worn itch, because it feels too ‘fancy’ to wear to work.


The band stretches to about 27.5 inches. This is 1 inch smaller than my snug underbust, and there was a few times when  a side of the band (elastic) felt too tight. Its not an all day thing, but it comes and goes.


The gore height is 2.25 inches high, which is relatively high. It’s also .75 inches wide, which makes it surprising that the gore doesn’t cause me any pain. The straps are connect to the gore at the middle. The bow at the fire is really big, too big, imo. I think it would look a lot better if it was the size of the bows on the straps.



Excuse the underarm hair. I missed a waxing appointment 😓

The straps are a little under 1/2 inch wide. They didn’t feel too wide set for me, but they might be on others. The strapping design is hooked to the straps on one end with a small black ring. This ring does seem to twist a bit when worn.


The cups for 65DD are 5 inches wide and 8 inches deep. The height of the cup is almost 5 inches, which is pretty short. While I believe these measurements are the norm for 65DD the cups seem more to be more open and deeper st the bottom, so anyone interested in this style may need to size down. In the current pics, the bra is most likely too small, but since it’s so open at the top it still looks okay.

The strappy detail is fully adjustable. To adjust the straps, I’ve noticed that you have to push it through the bottom part of the slider, then push the excess through the top part. There’s too much bulk there to just adjust it at once, like you would do with bra straps.

I do want to point out, that I have tall roots and I’ve seen it written that these straps work best on tall roots, and I guess it may be, but when I first put this bra on, I had to pull the strapping in a rounded way so it would cover most of my breast root, but it is worn normally for these pics.



Have you tried this bra or any other CH bras?

3 thoughts on “Ewa Michalak CH cherry 65DD

  1. Forgot to add I agree about the bow. It would be interesting to see it with the smaller size bow at the center, and also to have the option to remove the extra straps, like the black strappy Przeplatanki.


  2. This is the best look/fit I’ve seen of this particular Ewa model! I’ve read that the fit can be problematic, but I’m really glad this one worked out for you. I’d love to see how other CH models work for you, especially as I’ve read that the Cherry seems to fit differently than other CH’s.

    I haven’t gone Polish yet, but I’m looking forward to trying as my (annoyingly) super wide shoulders would come in handy with Ewa’s wide-set straps. Thanks for giving the measurements along with your pics and fit notes.


    • Thank you.
      I may at some point get the CH onyks multiway bra. I’ve been eyeing it for a while.
      I have somewhat wide shoulders and I rarely have issues with the straps of her bras. Off the top of my head I’ve noticed the Czekolada has straps that I sometimes feel (not often thankfully)


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